True strength comes from GOD. Excerpt: “…pure hell felt like heaven on earth.”

True strength comes from GOD. Excerpt from Blindsided by Messiah, Chapter 8, Breaking Free: “…pure hell felt like heaven on earth.”

After receiving a battery of tests over the years to find out why I was going deaf, I discovered that I had a deep fear of tight enclosed spaces. During one MRI exam they had to stop the test because I began to panic and hyperventilate. When I qualified for the Cochlear implant surgery, I was informed that a 1-hour enclosed MRI was required. Fearful that I wouldn’t be able to survive this test, Hashem God reassured me that He would help me endure this procedure. During this test, while I suffered from excruciating fear, He made me feel snug and secure while He strengthened me with His overwhelming love. He is pure AWE.

In tough times many people pray to God and feel relief. Why? Hashem is real and He strengthens everyone invisibly. If you feel relief when you pray, it isn’t your imagination. It is the truth. In our most difficult times, we must reach for Him more, not less. God is pure strength, love and wisdom. Don’t look outside of yourself for strength. Reach for Hashem often in deep prayer and be strengthened from the inside out. He is waiting patiently for you!

Order Blindsided by Messiah on Amazon and begin learning today how to heal yourself and heal our world. Peace on earth begins with you. Love, education and charity are our cure.

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Listen. Learn. Work for Peace.

May there be world peace in our time.


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