13 visions & messages from HASHEM ABOUT WORLD REDEMPTION.

Moshiach’s Morning Chat with HASHEM – 13 visions & messages from HASHEM ABOUT WORLD REDEMPTION.

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Moshiach’s Morning Chat with HASHEM – 13 visions & messages from HASHEM ABOUT WORLD REDEMPTION.

The other morning Hashem woke me to 13 visions and messages about world redemption. He assures me that we are the generation to bring this into being. I pray we see this manifest before our eyes soon. I want this for all of you. Eternal peace on earth for all of God’s children sounds like a fantasy.  He says it will become our reality but we must work for it. I’m ready. I pray more are ready soon. We need peace and a world that runs on love.

Order Blindsided by Messiah: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0692182446

Running on Love the 501(c)(3) charity: http://www.runningonlove.org

Donate to Running on Love: https://lorimichelle.net/give-for-love/

Listen. Learn. Work for Peace.

May there be world peace in our time.

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