Redemption means eternal peace & life on Earth. YOU ARE JUST NOT READY YET.

Today’s Message from THE MOSHIACH – Redemption means eternal peace & life on Earth. YOU ARE JUST NOT READY YET.

World Redemption is not well understood around the world. Learned Rabbis study the scripture and God’s promise of redemption and they don’t even understand fully how this will occur. Hashem says the process will be painful and you are not ready to do the work that is needed. He says it will require great pain to awaken your soul and ready you. Still many people will never be ready, rise to this occasion and work for eternal peace and life on earth – World Redemption. Will you? Read Blindsided by Messiah today and learn the true source of our troubles and about the solution. We are the generation to bring world peace. Get ready.

Blindsided by Messiah, explains the reasons why Hashem, God, chose a woman to be His Moshiach. It also reveals the source of evil, how we all must eradicate it, and God’s plan to bring world peace. We will heal this world one person at a time. Peace on earth begins with you.

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May there be world peace in our time.

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