IS BEING A CARNIVORE the most healthy diet for a human being?

ASK THE MOSHIACH! – IS BEING A CARNIVORE the most healthy diet for a human being?

There are so many diets circulating around the internet. It is difficult to know which one is best for us. Any diet may help you lose weight but is it the most healthy or desirable way for you to eat? Which diet is the most healthy one for us to eat? The answer I give you in this video happens to be the one that I prefer, but it is gratefully the answer given to me by our Creator. Being someone who enjoys many types of food, I love His answer and I hope you will too. Hashem’s answer is also the answer that makes the most logical sense. Do you want this world to make more sense? Read Blindsided by Messiah today to help you make sense of this world and learn the true source of our troubles and about the solution. It’s time.

Blindsided by Messiah, explains the reasons why Hashem, God, chose a woman to be His Moshiach. It also reveals the source of evil, how we all must eradicate it, and God’s plan to bring world peace. We will heal this world one person at a time. Peace on earth begins with you.

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May there be world peace in our time.

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