THE WORLD IS FILLED WITH TERRORISTS. Are you cut from the same cloth?

Moshiach Exposes Chinks in the Armor – THE WORLD IS FILLED WITH TERRORISTS. Are you cut from the same cloth?

Demonic terrorists are everywhere in the world and threaten our daily lives. While the demonic terrorists must be eradicated from the world, we must realize that humanity is cut from the same cloth.  We have all been treated rudely, inappropriately or belittled by someone else at some time. Being treated poorly comes from the same source as terrorism. It comes from the evil inclination that exists in every human being. Are you ready to change this paradigm? Changing this paradigm will help bring world peace in this generation. Read Blindsided by Messiah today to learn more.

Blindsided by Messiah, explains the reasons why Hashem, God, chose a woman to be His Moshiach. It also reveals the source of evil, how we all must eradicate it, and God’s plan to bring world peace. We will heal this world one person at a time. Peace on earth begins with you.

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May there be world peace in our time.

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