Antisemitism is the embodiment of the devil. GOD says “The devil shall be obliterated.”

Moshiach’s Guidance through GOG & MAGOG – WWIII – Antisemitism is the embodiment of the devil. GOD says “The devil shall be obliterated.”

The world is experiencing a severe rise in antisemitism. Hashem, God, asked me to post this video about this troubling turn of events. While hatred of any kind is evil, antisemitism is a heinous crime against God Almighty Himself. He says antisemitism is the embodiment of the devil and the devil shall be obliterated – removed from existence. It would behoove every person to take this warning to heart. To learn more about who the Jewish children are in the eyes of God and His plan to bring world peace read Blindsided by Messiah today. It’s time.

Blindsided by Messiah, explains the reasons why Hashem, God, chose a woman to be His Moshiach. It also reveals the source of evil, how we all must eradicate it, and God’s plan to bring world peace. We will heal this world one person at a time. Peace on earth begins with you.


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May there be world peace in our time.

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