Money isn’t the root of all evil. Money is a symbol from GOD.

Moshiach’s Life Lesson #30 – Money isn’t the root of all evil. Money is a symbol from GOD.

Many people believe that money is the root of all evil, but it isn’t money that causes evil. Evil comes from a spiritual imbalance and a lack of understanding about God and His physical world. This imbalance and ignorance about God’s omnipotence wreak havoc in the ego, causing people to be susceptible to fear and greed. Fear and greed both provoke evil choices with money. In the end of days, there will be a redistribution of wealth which will come both by personal choice and through the hand of God. Read Blindsided by Messiah to learn more about the source of our problems and choose to become part of the solution.

Blindsided by Messiah, explains the reasons why Hashem, God, chose a woman to be His Moshiach. It also reveals the source of evil, how we all must eradicate it, and God’s plan to bring world peace. We will heal this world one person at a time. Peace on earth begins with you.

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